Sunday, October 23, 2005

Batten down the hatches aka THAR SHE BLOWS!

"I cannot emphasize enough to the folks that live in the Florida Keys: A hurricane is coming," Gov. Jeb Bush said. "Perhaps people are saying, 'I'm going to hunker down.' They shouldn't do that. They should evacuate, and there's very little time left to do so." no hunkering down...the only problem that I see is that I'm not sure what the opposite of hunkering down is.

Friday, September 02, 2005

I'm always freaked out when anything unusual happens in nature. Well, I get freaked out by anything out of the ordinary in relation to other things too. But I digress. I remember seeing the moon appear about 4 times as large as normal, and red at that, one time when I was out at night as a child. I was so scared, thinking that something was really wrong in the world for the moon to look so freakishly large and red. I still don't know what caused it, but now I know it's nothing to freak out about.

I also have a hard time with freaky looking sky coloration patterns:

This is what the sky looked like just 10 minutes ago (and I know my camera doesn't capture the color perfectly, but it was pretty close on this one). I looked outside and it was a very weird sort of purpley color. My first thought? TORNADO. I guess I've only ever heard about weird colored sky in association with tornados. Maybe I should be studying meteorology!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Mr. and Ms. Lazy

While I was hard at work making Mr. Buddy's Gizmo shirt, Ms. and Mr. Lazybutt were doing their thing:


Sunday, July 03, 2005

A blueberry picking we shall go...

Last Wednesday we went blueberry picking. It was peaceful, we saw a deer, and we got three pounds of blueberries for $4. Yeah!

Mr. Man in the blueberry bushes.

Wet blueberries

A close-up of our berries